Designing Your Certificate


PaperMonogramsWording Calligraphic Hands (Fonts)

Layout Styles WitnessesOther Decoration Pets

Designing a wedding certificate can seem overwhelming, but by following our step by step plan you can let us know exactly what you want. Please remember, you are not limited by what you see here. Feel free to change things to suit your style and taste. If you like a certain text for your wording except for one part, you may change it to suit. These are just ideas to help you get started.

1. What kind of paper do you want? We have white, off-white, champagne (a pale peach color) and ivory. If you would like samples, let us know in an email and send us your address. We will be glad to mail you the samples. Click here for more information.

2. What do you want your certificate to say? Decide if you want to be formal or more casual. Check to see if your church or Meeting has standard wording you should include. We have a few examples below and more examples when you click here to help you get started. Of course you want your names and the date. Some people like to have their parent's names and the place they are from mentioned in the text. Many couples have their vows while others keep it simple. We have the "Just the Facts" style for simplicity or you may make it as long as you need.

Below are some sample texts, feel free to copy these to help you get started. If you want more examples, click here for more.




 On this, the twenty first day of the fourth month in the year of our Lord,
Two Thousand Twelve
were united in marriage in the manner of Friends.

Name and Name took each other by hand and made the following promise:

"In the presence of the light and love of family and friends I take you to be my beloved, promising to be a loving and faithful partner. I ask you to be none other than yourself. I promise to cherish and delight in your spirit and individually, to respect our differences and to face life's challenges with patience, humor and compassion. This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and made eternally new."

In celebration of this commitment we set our hands.

As confirmation, we, their family and friends, set our hands in caring witness to this union:

 On Saturday, the seventeenth day of September, two thousand thirteen, at Place in Conifer, Colorado


Joined their lives under the care of Name Friends Meeting, Denver, Colorado

In the presence of the Light and their community, the couple took each other by the hand and made the following promise:

I promise you my full self, my love and my partnership for life.

Loving what I know of you and trusting what I do not yet know, I respect you as an individual, as my partner, my equal, my kin.

I promise to be tender with you when you're troubled, dream with you when you're inspired, follow you when you're adventurous, and encourage you when you're stuck. I will trust you and be worthy of your trust.

I promise to work for our relationship, even when the work is hard, always seeking grounding in Spirit and community.

I promise to be ever open to you, to communicate fully and fearlessly, to support you in becoming the person you are yet to be, and to walk beside you through all the seasons of our lives.

In joyful commitment, we set our hands

We, having been present at this marriage, sign our names in witness and support of this union.

 On this, the sixteenth day of August
of the year two thousand twelve


in the beloved company of family and friends, gathered in the
vineyards of Afton, Virginia to hold a ceremony of their marriage.
On this joyous occasion, Name taking Name by the hand, declared that
he took her to be his wife, promising to give her his heart, and with
it faith, respect, patience, and love for the rest of their lives.
Thereupon, Name taking Name by the hand, declared that she took him
to be her husband, promising to give him her heart, and with it faith,
respect, patience and love for the rest of their lives.
And in further confirmation of their commitment and vows,
and in the presence of all in attendance,
Name and Name signed their names below.


And we, having been present at the occasion of this marriage, have
signed our names as witnesses and commit ourselves to
celebrate and support this union.


Need more ideas? Check our examples of other certificates for inspiration or go to our Examples of Certificate Text and Vows Page.

3. What calligraphic hand (font) do you want? Letter style can reflect your style. You may want to have your text in one style and your names in another. See our Calligraphic Hands page for more information.

4. About how many people do you think will be signing your certificate. This is important to consider because a lot of signatures might require a larger sheet of paper. Our standard sheet is 22" x 30" and accommodates up to about 120 signatures. We have paper as large as 30" x 44" which can hold over 300 signatures. There is no extra cost here but we have to design for enough space. You may estimate at first and give us a closer number later. Drawing lines in pencil for the guest signatures is the last thing we do on your certificate. For more about witnesses click here.

5. What basic style of layout do you want? Omega, circle of flowers, landscape across the top, Craftsman border, Floral Arch and Spray or something else. It is your choice. (See our Layout Styles Page and Prices for Certificates page for more layout and decoration ideas.)

6. What kind of decoration do you want? Let us know what kind of flowers you want. Many people want flowers from the bouquet or their grandmother's garden. Some people want flowers and seashells, or want birds perched on the flowers. We have even drawn lizards, bees, beetles and turtles! Keep in mind we will want to know what colors you want. If you want a painting of a special place please send us a good clear photo of it. (see Other Decoration and Pets)

This should get you started, email us with your ideas and we will work with you to bring your vision to life. Remember, we need enough information to design your certificate and give you a good estimate of cost. You are under no obligation until you OK the estimate which places the order.


We design your certificate and Sharon letters a practice version. If you have decoration, Steven will draw a sketch of your decoration and place Sharon's lettering on it. We email you with a photo preview of this practice version. We do the practice to get a feeling for how all the words of your text will fit on the page and how to center each line of writing. You need to check this preview version very carefully. We do make mistakes sometimes even though we work directly from the text you send. If you see a mistake or want a change in the wording, let us know at this time.

Please note that when you OK the text in the practice version we will letter the final version exactly as you approved it and send you another photo before we start the decoration. If, in this final version, you see we have made a mistake let us know and we will gladly do it over. However, if at this point you see that you made a spelling error or want a change in the text so that we must re-letter the final version, you will be charged a "start over" fee of 80 cents per word for the entire text. Note too that because our ink is permanent, erasure is not an option, we must start over with a clean paper and letter the entire text again.

Here are a few additional tips:

It may seem obvious, but make sure you have your date correct and everything is spelled correctly. We check spelling and grammar but you would be surprised how many people have a name spelled wrong in their text. We have even seen couples get the wedding date wrong! Have someone else read your text to check for grammar, spelling and if everything makes sense.

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The traditional Friends use of "thee", "thou" and "thy" is a beautiful tradition. While we don't want to tell you how to word your text we often see texts using both "thee" and "you" as pronouns. If you wish to be consistent, choose one type of pronoun.

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