Examples of Certificate Text and Vows Here are examples of vows and texts from some of the certificate we have lettered. Read them over, copy and change things to make it your own. If you have written your own text, or your church or Meeting require special wording, send it in an email with your other information (ask for our e-brochure of information we need to do your certificate.) Remember, you are not limited by what you see here. We want you to have the text that is going to be special and meaningful to you. Below is the text on the Pond and Lacy certificate on our website (see above). We added a fictional date and deleted the names so you may copy it and add your own details. On Saturday, the seventeenth day of September, two thousand twenty, Name and Name Took each other by the hand and exchanged this vow: "In the presence of the light and love of family and friends I take thee to be my beloved, promising to be a loving and faithful partner. I ask you to be none other than yourself. I promise to cherish and delight in your spirit and individuality, to respect our differences and to face life's challenges with patience, humor and compassion. This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and made eternally new." In celebration of this commitment we set our hands. As members of a loving community, we set our hands in caring witness to this union. On Saturday, the seventeenth day of September, two thousand twenty, at Name Park in City Name, Colorado Name and Name joined their lives under the care of (Name) Friends Meeting, Denver, Colorado. In the presence of the Light and their community, the couple took each other by the hand and made the following promise: I promise you my full self, my love and my partnership for life. Loving what I know of you and trusting what I do not yet know, I respect you as an individual, as my partner, my equal, my kin. I promise to be tender with you when you're troubled, dream with you when you're inspired, follow you when you're adventurous, and encourage you when you're stuck. I will trust you and be worthy of your trust. I promise to work for our relationship, even when the work is hard, always seeking grounding in Spirit and community. I promise to be ever open to you, to communicate fully and fearlessly, to support you in becoming the person you are yet to be, and to walk beside you through all the seasons of our lives. In joyful commitment, we set our hands We, having been present at this marriage, sign our names in witness and support of this union. Below is an example of a very traditionally worded certificate. Whereas, Name, of Place, Maryland, daughter of Parent Name and Parent Name and Name, of Place, Maryland, son of Parent Name and Parent Name, having declared their intentions of marriage with each other to Place Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends held at City, Maryland, their proposed marriage was allowed by that Meeting. Now this is to certify that this twenty second day of the tenth month two thousand twenty A.D., they, Name and Name, appeared in a meeting for worship of Place Friends Meeting at City, Maryland, and Name taking Name by the hand, did, declare that he took Name to be his wife promising with Divine assistance to be a loving and faithful husband so long as they both shall live; and then, Name, taking Name by the hand, did declared that she took Name to be her husband promising with Divine assistance to be a loving and faithful wife so long as they both shall live. And in further confirmation of their commitment, and in the presence of all in attendance, Name and Name signed their names below. And we, having been present at the occasion of this marriage, have signed our names as witness and commit ourselves to celebrate and support this union. Want to keep it simple? Here is a good one. On this, the fourth day of September in the year two thousand twenty Name and Name Took each other by the hand and declaring their love were joined in marriage, promising to be loving and faithful partners to each other as long as they both shall live. In celebration of this commitment we set our hands. And as loving friends and family, we set our hands in caring witness to this union. On the twenty-eighth day of June in the year two thousand twelve under the care of (Place) Friends Name and Name took each other by the hand and exchanged the following vow: "In the presence of the Light of God and the love of family and friends, I take thee to be my wife/husband, promising with Divine assistance to be unto thee a loving and faithful wife/husband so long as we both shall live". In celebration of this commitment we set our hands. And as loving friends and family we set our hands in caring witness to this union. On the twenty-third day of June in the year two thousand twelve Name and Name Took each other by the hand and exchanged this vow: In the presence of the Light and the love of family and friends, I vow for all my life to be your loving and faithful partner. I ask you to be none other than yourself. I promise to cherish and delight in your unique spirit, to respect our differences, and to face our challenges with patience, humor, and compassion. I vow to keep faith in your best self, and to celebrate the ways you will grow and change. I promise to support you as you follow your spirit's calling toward peace, joy, and union with the divine. I vow to work with you to make our family a strong and healthy part of our larger community. I will listen to you with an open heart, and I will love you always. In celebration of this commitment we set our hands: As members of a loving community, we set our hands in witness, celebration and support of this union The old Quaker tradition of using the "thee" and "thou" pronouns is carried throughout the text below. On this, the twenty first day of the fourth month in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand Twelve Name and Name were united in marriage in the manner of Friends. Name and Name took each other by hand and made the following promise: "In the presence of the Light and love of family and friends I take thee to be my beloved, promising to be unto thee a loving and faithful partner. I ask thee to be none other than thyself. I promise to cherish and delight in thy spirit and individually, to respect our differences and to face life's challenges with patience, humor and compassion. This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and made eternally new." In celebration of this commitment we set our hands. As confirmation, we set our hands in caring witness to this union. On this twentieth day of the seventh month in the year two thousand thirteen Name and Name in celebration of their marriage were united in the manner of Friends. On this day Name and Name appeared in a meeting for worship and took each other by the hand and did declare "In the presence of the light and love of family and friends, I take thee to be my beloved, to cherish and nurture the spirit within you, to be honest, loving and faithful, so long as we both shall live." As confirmation of this commitment we set our hands. We, as loving members of their community, have, in joyful witness, set our hands at the Place Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, held at City Name, New York. On the twenty-fifth day of February, two thousand twelve at the Place Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends in City Name, Pennsylvania Name and Name exchanged the following wedding vows: In the presence of family and friends I take you to be my husband/wife, to faithfully share my life with you as we love and nurture each other in life's joys and challenges. I ask you to be none other than yourself and promise to cherish your spirit and individuality and to respect our differences with patience, humor and compassion. In celebration of this commitment, we set our hands. As members of a caring community, we set our hands as witness to this union. On the Nineteenth day of November of the year Two Thousand Eleven in the Shaker's Chosen Vale, City Name, New Hampshire Name and Name took each other by the hand, and before their community and the Divine, spoke the following vows: I thank God for the gift of our love and name you as my beloved. I vow to meet you each day with compassion and heartful authenticity. I promise to be nourished by the light of joy, laughter and passion as I face life's challenges beside you. I pray for wisdom to help you follow the song of your soul and to honor our differences as much as I delight in our shared experience. I lay down my path next to yours and vow to live a life of integrity and sacred service in the world. May we walk, hand in hand, under the luminous moon and beside the rolling sea, through this life and beyond. This commitment is given in love, kept in faith, lived as hope, and made eternally new. In celebration, we exchange rings and set our hands below: As members of a loving community, we set our hands as witnesses, promising to uplift Nancy and Andrew in their marriage through friendship, love, faith and prayer. The quote below was added at the bottom of the page, below the witness signatures. "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine." On the second day of June in the year two thousand twenty At Name Episcopal Church City Name, Indiana Name and Name made this solemn vow: In the presence of God and the love of family and friends, I take thee to be my beloved, promising to be a loving and faithful partner. I ask you to be none other than yourself. I promise to cherish and delight in your spirit and individuality, to face life's challenges with patience and humor, to respect our differences and to nurture our growth. This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope and made eternally new. In celebration of this commitment, we set our hands This marriage was performed and solemnized by the Reverend Name and the Reverend Name and witnessed by our family and friends. On this, the twenty first day of the fourth month in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand Twelve Name and Name were united in marriage in the manner of Friends. Name and Name took each other by hand and made the following promise: "In the presence of the light and love of family and friends I take thee to be my beloved, promising to be a loving and faithful partner. I ask you to be none other than yourself. I promise to cherish and delight in your spirit and individually, to respect our differences and to face life's challenges with patience, humor and compassion. This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and made eternally new." In celebration of this commitment we set our hands. As confirmation, we set our hands in caring witness to this union at the Religious Society of Friends of Washington, DC, (Witnesses signed here and the quote below was lettered across the bottom of the certificate.) "The right joining in marriage is the work of the Lord only, and not the priests' or magistrates'; for it is God's ordinance and not man's. We marry none; it is the Lord's work, and we are but witnesses." George Fox, 1669 On this, the eighteenth day of September in the year two thousand twenty Name And Name on this joyous occasion, they took each other by the hand, and declared, in the presence of The Light, and the love of their family and friends, to be a loving and faithful partner to one another, to love, honor and cherish each other as husband and wife, for as long as they both shall live. In joyful commitment, we set our hands We, having been present at this marriage, sign our names in witness and support of this union. On this, the twelfth of January of the year two thousand thirteen Name and Name took each other by the hand and exchanged the following vow: "In the presence of God and these our friends I take thee to be my partner, promising with Divine assistance to be loving and faithful unto thee so long as we both shall live." In celebration of this commitment of marriage we set our hands below. And we, having been present at the celebration of this marriage, set our hands in witness and support of this union. This text for a certificate is honoring Christian beleifs and Mother-Earth traditions. On this, the Seventeenth day of September, Two Thousand Eleven at The Name Club in City Name, Indiana. Name and Name exchanged marriage vows in the presence of the Divine and family and friends. God in heaven above please protect the ones we love. We honor all you created as we pledge our hearts and lives together. We honor Mother-Earth - and ask for our marriage to be abundant and grow stronger through the seasons; We honor fire - and ask that our union be warm and glowing with love in our hearts; We honor wind - and ask that we sail though life safe and calm as in our creator's arms; We honor water - to clean and soothe our relationship - that it may never thirsts for love; With all the forces of the universe you created, we pray for harmony and true happiness as we forever grow young together. In celebration of this commitment we set our hands. Here are a few additional tips:
"The right joining in marriage is the work of the Lord only, and not the priests' or magistrates'; for it is God's ordinance and not man's. We marry none; it is the Lord's work, and we are but witnesses." George Fox, 1669
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