(Shipping not included in prices shown - see below)
Wedding and Party Prices
These prices include lettering on your stock only. Contact us for creating special stock with wedding certificate decoration.
Outside envelopes...................................$2.00
Inside envelopes....................................$0.50
Escort cards (includes inner and outer).........................$1.00
Table numbers................................................................$1.50
Table numbers with decoration.....................................$3.00
Place cards.........................................................$1.50 each or
$.75 each if you order anything else.
Special Invitations
Please write to us if you want special invitation done in calligraphy. We will do the original so it can be copied in black and white or color. We can do printing, or we can send you a paper or electronic copy so you can have it printed yourself.
If we print and you want a special paper, please provide the paper and matching envelopes.
Also see our
Complete Package Page
Addressing Envelopes
I am quite willing to work with clients outside of my geographical area (i.e. Dayton, Ohio ). Since I do everything by hand, I need approximately 1 week per hundred envelopes. If you are interested, please email me (see below) and I can send you samples and a brochure. Mention "Envelope Samples" in the subject line of your email.
Special Orders
Let Us Know What You Want and We Will Be Happy To Give You An Estimate.
Wedding Certificates
See our
Quaker Wedding Cerificate
Also Check These Pages:
Weddings and Parties
Special Orders
Contact Calligraphica
Quaker Wedding Certificates
Wedding Certificates